Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I'm posting about this band because I want everyone to enjoy them/him as much as I do. I don't even really know how to describe it. This man's music is easily accessible and enjoyable to anyone who likes things that sound good, plain and simple.

You can't say "only people into obscure black metal or shoegaze like this", because...it's not too out there, it's not too harsh EVER (the vocals are 80/20 % clean sung on every record after the demo and 100% clean on the new record, Shelter), the guitars are brilliantly rich, full of clarity and ambiance and the lengths of the songs...rather than dragging on, leave you savoring every note and wanting more. I can't even decide which one of Alcest's records I like more. Shelter has so many different hints of influence from different bands and styles of music.

But, so did "Les Voyages de l'Âme", with its subtle hints of Smashing Pumpkins & Sigur Ros, while still having heavy drumming and the occasional black metal riff and vocal. The black metallic undertones could be compared to a more melodic/primitive Taake.

"Shelter" sees Neige completely transitioning to a powerhouse of shoegaze/rock/pop that I could see being performed in front of countless amounts of people, mesmerizing everyone in the room. If you close your eyes (without falling asleep), each composition of every song on this record serves more as a passage into auditory bliss, rather than just someone fiddling out another pretentiously overdone shoegaze record. This record is more of a euphorically mystifying experience of the mind and imagination than a listening session.

So, like I was saying, you don't have to be a fan of black metal or just a fan of shoegaze or chill-out music to enjoy this man's music. Do yourself a favor and just listen to these two records and you'll thank me later.

Au cessus de nos têtes, tournoyants.
