Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Anselmo Appreciation

There are few things in this world that I enjoy more than hearing Mr. Philip H. Anselmo ramble sluggishly through anecdotes, jokes, and opinionated views on just about everything.

I'm being completely serious here. Anselmo is a man that has gone from international fame and traveling the world to some of the darkest depths that a human soul can descend into. His lengthy battle with alcohol and hard drugs has been well documented (often by the man himself) and would make for a far better novel than any fiction on the subject matter.

Yeah, I love pretty much every record he's ever been involved in (even that Southern Isolation EP), but more so than that I have a deep appreciation for his insight and unique sense of humor.

You can expect quite a few of these on the blog.

Let me start this segment off with what is probably one of my favorite videos of him remembering Dimebag Darrell.

"I don't give a flying fuck about sweeps. Thats boring bullshit for guitar nerds. I prefer a motherfucker with soul, heart, and goddamn muscle."

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