Thursday, March 6, 2014

Paracletus (2010)

Black metal is a very distinguished, elite and downright snooty subgenre of metal. Many elitist black metal fans have their opinions on what is and isn't considered true black metal. I, honestly, could not give a damn if something is considered "true" or if it's considered sell-out bullshit. I think most black metal warriors can unanimously agree that Deathspell Omega is a great band, plain and simple.

They've been kind of a chameleon as far as styles, starting their existence off as a great, traditional style black metal band, drawing a great deal of inspiration from Norwegian pioneers, like Bathory & Darkthrone. Later on, it's almost as if they all got struck by lightning during a band practice and these crazy random songs just came out of nowhere.

The songs I'm referring to are on my favorite of their records, Paracletus. Now, I have no idea if they had a lineup change anywhere in their career, because they keep their identities anonymous, but it's almost as if the band's chief songwriters got completely replaced. I loved their older stuff, but holy shit, this record....How do I describe it?.....It's basically like....being in a catatonic stage, awake, but asleep, trapped in your own mind, spiraling and twisting out of control into a vortex of destruction. I would compare this album to an audial illustration of organized chaos, choreographed Armageddon, etc. The music makes almost no sense, but makes complete sense, at the same time. This is a very unconventional black metal band, yes, but, still black metal nonetheless. This record...hurts.

This congregation was cast out of humanity.

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