Monday, October 21, 2013

New Worlds of Fear (2013)

Following the Halloween theme of the month, and also my wanting to post a semi-new record, here's the newest effort from Boston's reigning AFI/Ignite worshippers, Energy. I was under the ignorant assumption that this band had been defunct since after 2007's Invasions of the Mind, as I'd not seen much talk of anymore touring after I saw them and played with them a handful of times during 2006/7. Being that I think they pull off the whole melodic & fast punk with soprano/alto vocals thing better than anyone I've heard since their predecessors, I was slightly annoyed at the prediction they'd never release anything again. 

Not only was I wrong, but they released this incredibly bright and upbeat EP (while still maintaining their 'horror' themed sensibility) alongside an EP of covers, which they included one of in the recording and tracklisting of the New Levels of Fear EP, an awesome and accurately respectable rendition of The Ramones iconic "Pet Sematary" from the movie of the same name, where Tank's vocal range is an entire octave higher than that of Joey Ramone's recognizable vocals, adding a nice spin to the already infectious tune. 

As for the original material on the EP, Energy have easily matured to some of my favorite punk songwriters. They don't resort to any copouts as far as their music goes. Awesome craftsmanship in the riffs, smooth transitions, polished playing, insanely catchy vocal rhythms and hooks...If you are a fan of Black Sails/Art of Drowning-era AFI, Ignite, and the Misfits, scoop this up and try to catch them live, if you ever get the chance.


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